The Journals in the field of Instructional Technology
(Many thanks to Dr. J. Bentley at Utah State University for an initial list)
- Topic: Methods and techniques of teaching at a distance, about learning, and about management and administration, but also encourages authors to write about policies, theories, and the values that drive distance education
2. British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET)
- Topic: Education and training, concentrating on the theory, applications and development of learning technology, communications, new information and communications technologies
- Full, refereed articles
- Length: 2000-4000 words
3. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers
- Topic: Computer Science and Human-Computer Interaction; Cognitive and Social Psychology; Ergonomics; Cognitive Neuroscience; and Applied psychology
4. Computers & Education
5. Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE)
- Topic: any area of technology and teacher education
- Refereed, free online journal
- Months to Review: no more than eight weeks
- No length limit
6. Converge Magazine
- Topic: Education and Technology – How technology enhances/improves education
- Circulation - roughly 60,000
- Months to Review: 4-5 months
- Length - 1200 words
7. Current Issues in Education
- Topic: Research, theory, and/or practice about education
- Peer-reviewed scholarly electronic journal published by the College of Education at Arizona State University
- Blind review process with reviewers
8. Education, Communication & Information (ECI)
9. Education Review: Journal of book reviews
- Topic: Reviews of recent books in education, covering the entire range of education scholarship and practice
- Length: 2,500 and 5,000 words
- Editorial review board (not a refereed journal)
- Publish reviews exclusively (do not publish articles or scholarly papers)
10. Educational Insights
- Topic: Issues of pedagogy, curriculum, educational research
- A refereed journal dedicated to providing graduate students a forum for publishing their research in education
- Months to review: turn around is one month
- Length: 3000 words
11. Educational Technology: The Magazine for Managers of Change in Education
- Topic: Education management/administration; educational technology systems; teacher education; library science/information resources; higher education; internet/World Wide Web; computer-based instruction; instructional design and development; simulations; educational media
- The magazine for managers of change in education
- Circulation: Approximately 2500, in more than one hundred countries
- Length: No minimum and maximum length restrictions
- Review process: Notified of acceptance or rejection within two weeks, and Publication will follow, as a rule, within six months (We are not technically a refereed publication)
12. Educational Technology Research and Development (ETR&D) AECT Publication
- Topic: A comprehensive source of current research information in instructional technology. Recent articles include, "Learner Preferences and Achievement Under Differing Amounts of Learner Practice," and "Emergent Patterns of Teaching/Learning in Electronic Classrooms." Development Section publishes articles concerned with the design and development of learning systems and educational technology applications. Recent articles include, "Do Superior Teachers Employ Systematic Instructional Planning Procedures?," and "The Cognitive Approach to Training Development: A Practitioner's Assessment." Each issue also includes book reviews, international reviews, and research abstracts.
- Length: Between 10 and 30 pages
12. Educational Technology Review
13. Educause
- Topic: A practitioner's journal for college and university managers and users of information resources--information, technology, and services
- Circulation: about 8,000
- Peer reviewed articles
- Months to review: about two to three months
- Length: 3500-6000 words
- Acceptance rate: 20-25%
14. eLearn Magazine
- Topic: Any and all aspects of e-learning
- Online education and training
- Three main subject areas: Tutorials/E-learning Basics (2500 to 5000 words), Columns (400 to 1000 words), and Reviews (200 to 800 words)
- Review process: 1-2 months
15. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education
- Topic: Technology integration, book and software reviews, and commentary on topics of interest to educators (PK-16)
- Length: at least 1,500 words
- Review process: reviewed anonymously by the peer-review board of graduate students and faculty
16. From Now On
17. Information Society
- Topic: Information technologies and changes in society and culture
- Refereed journal published 5 times a year
- Acceptance rate: 42%
- Review process: at least 4 months
- Length: 4,000-7,500 words
18. Informing Science
- Topic: Fields from information systems, library science, journalism in all its forms to education all contribute to this science
- Peer refereed journal
- Acceptance rate: around 11-12%
- Length: 3,500 words
- Review process: 2-3 months
19. Instructional Science: An International Journal of Learning and Cognition
20. Interactive Learning Environments
21. International Journal of E-Learning (IJEL)
- Topic: information on the current theory, research, development, and practice of telecommunications in education and training. (Artificial intelligence and telecommunications, Collaboration, Cooperative/collaborative learning, Connectivity and implementation strategies, Designing distance, learning systems, Distance education and telelearning, Evaluation, Instructional telecommunications models, Integrated development environments, Multimedia and telecommunications, Online and networked education, Pedagogical foundations, Policy, ethics, standards, and legal issues, Social and cultural issues, Teaching/learning strategies, Teleconferencing (audio, audiographics, computer, video), User/student modeling in distance education
- Refereed online journal
22. International Journal on E-Learning
- Topic: Research, development, and practice of e-learning
- Months to review: no more than two months (reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Review Board)
21. International Journal of Instructional Media (IJIM)
- Topic: The source of cutting edge research and commentary on all forms of instructional media used in instruction and training today(Computer technology, Computer mediated communications including the Internet, Distance education including the Internet, ITV, video and audio conferencing, Instructional media and technology, Telecommunications, Interactive video, videodisc, and software applications, Instructional media management, Instructional development and systems, Media research and evaluation, Media research and communications)
- Refereed online journal
- Length: Approximately 15 pages
23. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning (IRRODL)
- Topic: Research, best praxes and theory in Open and Distance Learning
- Circulation: over 3,000 (in 73 countries)
- Peer reviewed refereed journal
- Months to review: about 1.5 to two months
- Length: between 10 and 25 pages long
- Acceptance rate: about 20 percent
24. Journal for Research on Technology in Education (JRTE)
- Topic: Educational computing
- Peer-reviewed, quarterly research journal
- Length: 2,500 to 8,000 words
- Circulation: about 2500
- Months to review: about a year
- Acceptance rate: 35%.
24. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks (JALN)
- Topic: Our mission is to provide practitioners in online education with knowledge about the very best research in online learning. Original work in asynchronous learning networks (ALN), including experimental results.
- Peer-reviewed
25. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (JCAL)
- Topic: Collaborative learning, knowledge engineering, open, distance and networked learning, developmental psychology and evaluation
- Quarterly, peer-reviewed, international journal
- Length: 3500 - 4500 words
- Referee journal: certainly, with a high international citation index
- Months to Review: one month
- Acceptance Rate: around 40%
25. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication (JCMC)
26. Journal of Computing in Higher Education (JCHE)
- Topic: Instructional technology and educational environments
- Peer-reviewed essays, reviews, reports, and research articles
- Length: 5,000 words maximum
- Acceptance Rate: 20%
- Months to review: 1 month
27. Journal of Educational Computing Research (JECR)
- Topic: Education management/administration; educational technology systems; original research papers; critical analyses; reports on research in progress; design and development studies; grant award listings
- Interdisciplinary, rigorously refereed Journal
28. Journal of Educational Multimedia & Hypermedia (JEMH) AACE publication
- Topic: A forum to present and discuss research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education (tools that allow integration of images, sound, text, and data)
- Length: not to exceed 30 pages
29. Journal of Educational Technology Systems
30. Journal of Information Technology Education (JITE)
- Topic: Information Technology
- Peer refereed Journal
- Acceptance Rate: 40%
- Months to review: 2-3 months
- Length: No regulations
31. Journal of Information Technology for Teacher Education
- Topic: Teacher education; preservice and inservice training
- Fully-refereed international journal
- Length: 3000 and 5000 words
- Months to review: 3-6 months by at least two referees
32. Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems (JIDS)
- Topic: Articles and commentary on uses of interactive multimedia to enhance productivity through appropriate applications of technology in education, training and job performance
- Length: 2,000-3,000 words
32. Journal of the Learning Sciences (JLS)
- Topic: Research on education and learning. Emphasis is placed on important ideas that can change our understanding of learning as well as the practice of education. (artificial intelligence, cognitive science, cognitive and educational psychology, cognitive anthropology, education, and educational technology)
- Length:
33. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education
- Topic: Educational technology systems; teacher education
- Months to review: no more than two months (reviewed by at least two members of the Editorial Review Board, which takes usually)
35. Journal of Technology, Learning and Assessment (JTLA)
- Topic: Applications of technology to assessment and the assessment of instructional uses of technology
- Web-based, free of charge
- Peer-reviewed
- Months to review: between one and three months
- Any length and any form of media
- Acceptance rate: about 50-60%
36. Journal of Technology Studies
37. Learning and Leading with Technology
- Topic: Curriculum studies; library science/information resources; reading; rural education and small schools; science, math, and environment; secondary/adolescent studies; social studies/social science; teacher education; urban education/multiculturalism/nontraditional; equity in technology; telecommunications; computer science; multimedia
- Editor-reviewed journal
- Circulation: approximately 14,000
- Months to review: typically two months
- Length: 2,500 words
- Acceptance rate: about 40%
38. Learning, Media & Technology (formerly Journal of Educational Media)
38. Multimedia Schools
39. Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration
- Topic: Specific focus or implications for the management of distance education programs
- Length: Normally between 2000 and 6000
- Review process: reviewed by two or three persons with expertise in the area. Authors will be notified of acceptance within one month
40. Open Learning: the journal of Open and Distance Learning
40. Technology, Instruction Cognition & Learning (TICL)
- Topic: TICL seeks articles that address such basic questions as what it means to know something, how best to determine what an individual knows, how humans learn, and how knowledge is influenced through interaction with the outside world. Theory, research and technological innovations leading to automation are especially encouraged. (artificial intelligence, cognitive and development psychology, software engineering, cognitive science, structural and task analysis, knowledge engineering, distributed cognition, instructional systems and design, intelligent tutors, structural learning, problem solving and system dynamics)
- Length:
41. Teaching and Learning
- Topic: Thoughtful observation as an educational method, of description as a technique for understanding, and of lived experience as a source of knowledge construction.
- Refereed journal
- Blind reviewed by at least two persons
- Months to review: 2-4 months
- Acceptance rate: 40%
43. Tech Trends
44. Technology and Learning
- Topic: Review, news, and announcements of educational activities and opportunities in programming, software development, and hardware configurations
- Circulation: Over 80,000 elementary, junior high and senior high school teachers, technology coordinators and administrators
- Length: 1200 to 2500 words
45. T.H.E. Journal
- Topic: Curriculum studies; education management/administration; educational technology systems
- Circulation: 172,000+
- Review process: a month
- Acceptance rate: 50-70%
46. The Technology Source
- Topic: Integrating information technology tools into teaching and into managing educational organizations
- Length: 1,000 to 1,800 words
- Peer-reviewed bimonthly periodical published by the Michigan Virtual University
- Months to review: One month
tags: educational technology, teknologi pendidikan, jurnal